
Damascus Gate ダマスカス門 (下に日本でも書いてます。スクロールしてください↓) Good evening everyone. Yesterday,I went to Jerusalem first time! It was so moody and beautiful. I wanted to see The Dome Of The Rock the best,but couldn't see because it was closed... Oh my gosh... I'll go there again another time and show you the beautiful picture! Look forward to that! I saw many other nice buildings. This is"Church of the Holy Sepulchre". Inside It was so crowded. Many Christians were praying here. By the way, I have no religion. Almost people are surprised and incredible this idea. In Palestine, I have not seen the person who has no religion. I am often asked what religion I have, but I don't have. It is sure that I think there is God(I don't know how many god there are), but I don't think what he (or she) did for us and how is he (or she). I know you think it's strange because I learned about God in universi...